Hotel Accommodations
- Best Western University Inn: For reservations, call 607-272-6100 or email (conference rate is $76)
- Holiday Inn: For reservations, call 1-800-HOLIDAY (conference rate is $139.99)
- The Statler Hotel and J. Willard Marriott Executive Education Center: For reservations, call 1-800-541-2501 (conference rate is $150)
Note: When making reservations, please refer to ICS or CompSust09 for the conference rate.
These hotels have complimentary shuttle service from the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport.
Dining in Ithaca
- Dining on Cornell's campus
- Downtown Ithaca/Commons and Collegetown dining guide (pdf)
- Downtown Ithaca dining
Thanks to The Institute for Computational Sustainability, Center for a Sustainable Future and the National Science Foundation for sponsoring CompSust09.